A crazy kid.

I was in third period when this happend. Were were all talking about toys we had as little kids and my teacher talk about a vintege toy she had. A few minutes later we were all talking in our own groups and one of the boys we will call him Mat. He said to me, "I love you Cisco." At least tomorrow was Saturday.

When I returned Monday he said the same thing twice. "I love you Cisco" Why was he doing this? The same class he was always on his phone watching videos. His parents were called mutiple times, and he kept bring his phone to class. I was mad so I gave him a dirty finger sign. One day our class had a subsitute and he was being so disrespectful. The teacher asked, " Does anybody know where my accent comes from?" And Mat says some random country. I said its from Britain. The class moves on and nothing much happened.

When we had a differnt sub he had me take Mat to the student success center, so I did he was annoying. A few weeks later the assistant principal helped me and he wouldent be in any of my classes for next year. I know now he was trying to get under his skin

The end
